
Thursday, November 19, 2009

When it rains...

I've been really lax this week about making my blog rounds...and posting....and I apologize for that.  I'll be making the rounds this weekend and getting caught up.  But I have good reason!
So, as many of you know by now, I have been jobless for a bit.  This has been a point of contention for me, if for no other reason that I hate not having any money.  Everyone wants money from me, and I have none to give them.  BOO.  I figured, this would give me ample time to work on my crafts.  However, if I want new supplies....nothing to buy them with.  It's totally a catch 22.  Anyjob, I have FINALLY gotten out of that rut!  It's about time too.  Man.  What's funny is that one day I had no work, and over the next two days I now have THREE jobs.  Three!  Well, two and half.  One is still pending, but is very likely.  :)  One is one day a week and the other two are part time, so in theory I should have a full-time between all that jazz.  Oh, AND I'm going up to paint for the children's theatre the weekend after Thanksgiving, which I'll also be paid for.  Craziness!  Just crazy I tell you!  To be honest, I'll tell you what I think is responsible for all this sudden work.  These babies:

That's right.  Those are my cowboy boots.  Legit ones.  I got these beauties on sale in a second hand shop and I *heart* them.  I haven't worn them much though, and when I wore them the last two days, suddenly all this good news comes my way!  Makes me never want to take them off!  lol.

So yeah, things are lookin up for me!  I'm really excited about this.  You can look forward to posts complaining that I work too much now, instead of posts complaining that I don't work at all.  And won't that just be grand?  ;)

Oh...and I have a secret.  But I'm not going to tell you about it yet.  It's gonna be awesome.  You won't want to miss it.  Trust me.  :D


  1. I think your boots are definitely good luck boots. I wouldn't take them off either.

    I'm glad to hear things are looking up!

  2. Awesome, congrats on the job! Cute boots :)

  3. From all my time in theatre, I definitely learned that shoes make a person. They force you to walk differently and feel different. Everyone needs a pair of awesome good luck shoes -- I love that yours are cowboy boots.
    Stopping by from SITS and I've been here once before. Perhaps that's a sign I need to be a regular.

  4. hmmm now I am intrigued about this secret!

  5. A great pair of boots are a musthave! Congrats on the money makers :O)

  6. Did you hear that, Shrek? Chocolate Lover is intrigued!

    *Done in best donkey voice*

    I'm tellin ya, when we whip this out, blogland is going to reel.

    Heh. Whip it out.

  7. Everything is better with cowboy boots. Glad things are looking up! Happy SITS Sharefest Day!

  8. It's all about the boots! Glad to hear things are looking up for you. =)

    Stopped by from SITS! Happy Saturday!


  9. Well, Hey! Income is always good news!
    Congratulations, Sitstah!

  10. Happy Saturday SITS Sharefest!

    Now I HAVE to come back to see what your secret is!

  11. You keep wearing those boots sweetie! I'm so excited for you.

    I've been the same I've been so behind on checking up with everyone :)

  12. Congrats on landing the employment. You know, all work and no bling makes one a grouch. I *heart* your boots, too. Tony Lama?

  13. Congratulations on your 3 jobs! Wow woman! You're a superwoman. Love your boots too. I'll come back and find out what your secret is :)

  14. DOOD those boots are made for walking (they are way HAWT TOO) and you are walking in the right direction! Sending you lots of love and mojo baby!!

    Love K
