
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday Mingle!

Ok folks, it's time again for this week's Monday Mingle!  Stop over at Eighty MPH Mom and say hi to Jen and all the mingle folks!  Or to post one of your own.  :)

So, I was all up on it and recorded my mingle early this week.  And didn't notice that there was an extra question!  URG!  Sorry Shannon!  I'll answer it next week.  Promise.  :)

Password as always, is: misadventure.  I'll also say, this is probably the worst still pic to date.  Go Vimeo!

Monday Mingle Nov. 16 from Lauren on Vimeo.


  1. You look different! And your hair is all pretty and dramatical. I'm loving it.

    Common Travis you know you want to play along!!

    Tim Gunn!! Oh my word, I want him at my dinner too. Can I steal him? I want him to come hang out with me and maybe some of his amazingness will rub off on me. My favorite quote of his is "That looks like a pterodactyl from a gay Jurassic Park" LOL!

    I agree with the game of Cranium needs. I love that. Have you played Partini before? It is like Cranium only for larger groups.

  2. Hey no fair! I can't watch it, it says i need a password. I linked up to 80 MPH mom to watch all the vlogs, do you think you might be able to hook me up and send me that password? You can watch my MON mingle. It's up already. :)

  3. I'm such a retard! It was right there. LOL! thanks for answering the obvious. DUH! :)
    I think your friend Travis needs to Monday mingle, with that look you gave him...;)
    Guy Fieri...Way hot and he can cook. YEAh baby!
    LOVE your facial expressions, we should totally do a talk show together...:)
    Cranium so much fun!
    x ray vision so you can see through Matthew McConaughey's clothes..Now I'm talking...:) (oh wait that's my fantasy)
    I chose hearing..but U already know that.
    I'm NOT a perv, for wanting to see Matthew honey in the buff...LOL!:)
    Airports, that would be convenient.
    you hate flying? Oh I'm sorry.
    sick family members? hmm didn't think of it that way. Cool.
    Christmas would stink you are right.
    ME too about the finger tapping. Wierd.
    YEAH! another same answer.:) with the 4'1 answer.
    do you write? I am currently enrolled in Naniwrimo.
    how do U get your readers to listen to you for longer than 5 mins? my reader watched me for my first vlog but one of them said 7 mins was too long. Ahh well. maybe that was just her. I enjoyed YOUR video. fun sized like candy bars.
    your fave thanksgiving dish? I'll wait until next week I guess. NUTS! :)

  4. Travis obviously needs to join in!
    Your dinner sounds like fun! Dinner & explosions- love it!
    This vlog is too fun :)

    I love the blog look, so perfect for Christmas..hehe!

  5. Ohh and my finger tapping is the opposite way! I can do it pinky to index but it's not my normal way. SO WEIRD!

  6. I wouldn't mind having x-ray vision, but I would hate to have the job of looking at luggage. I would love to be able to look into my daughter's room to check on her without walking in and making our hardwood floors squeak and wake her up! Man, I didn't think about gifts, I wouldn't like that either!

    I am totally crashing your dinner, sounds like fun!

  7. Woot, I had no idea that we were doing this to make people jealous but I love it.

    At 25 you have PLENTY of time to still partake in streaking and skinny dipping. My parents do it, and while that should be a crime, it shows you're never to old (technically speaking of course).

    I have only heard of Tim Gunn of the five you'd invite. I must be completely out of the loop, lol! I've actually seen Myth Busters though and they could do some amazing things with food I'm sure.

    Great mingle and I'll look forward to more!

  8. Alton Brown would be cool!

    I love your hair too - you look so "hawt" today!

    You tap your fingers like me - it's just plain awkward doing it index finger to pinky - really weird.

    I'm with you on the height.

    I always enjoy your mingles - you crack me up with your answers.

  9. Good old college days....I have some crazy dorm roomies too! You should totally, I need to do that as well! I almost did :)
    I don't watch Project Runway, but I want to now! I love Cranium!! that is a totally fun game, and that would be funny with your group LOL
    You chose X Ray Vision! That is so funny cause no other girl has chosen that yet :) But yeah, both of them have their pros and cons.
    I do pinkey to pointer too.
    And yay choosing to go shorter :) I didn't think about how the world doesn't accomodate for tall people...good point!

  10. youtube is cruel with the screen caps too. be sure to report your next skinny dipping adventure. your a total peeker??

  11. I love that. Have you played Partini before? It is like Cranium only for larger groups. Work from home India

  12. Tim Gunn would be awesome. I'm sure if I actually sat down and thought about it, I could come up with a really goood list.
    It's never too late to skinny dip.

  13. I like next week's questions. Maybe I'll start there. I think it would be fun to have Gary do a weekly "guest" post on the Newlywed & Unemployed blog since this is about him, too. Whatcha think?

  14. Who's Travis? Do we need to lay the pressure down?? Travis, if you're reading this...Join in. Do it. Just give and let the Monday Mingle come over you.

    That would REALLY be a kickin' dinner party. Oh my gosh. I love Guy and Alton...I love cranium!

    I think both would be fantastic, but even cooler if you just could use them at your whim...BUT that's not how would you rathers work. No pervy reasons lmao! I love being surprised too, but I don't think I'd want to be able to see inside my gift boxes. Or UPS shipments? That takes away from the fun!!

    See okay. That's how it feels for me when I do pinky to index...Thanks for humoring me on that question ;)

    Ahh but I think it'd be pretty inconvenient to be 4'1" as well...hmm. Deep thoughts.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the questions :) Have a great week!!

  15. My kids love to play cranium. Nice to meet you through Monday Mingle

  16. If I were inviting people that were still living the top three on my list would be:

    Alton Brown
    Robin Williams
    Matthew Broderick

    I'd have to think of the other two I'd invite.

    Bionic hearing for the win. Especially if it comes with that 'wanananana' sound like Lindsey Wagner had from The Bionic Woman.

    FRACK! My kids are demanding my attention. Have to watch the rest of your vlog later.

  17. Oh I sooo want to come to your dinner! I love Cranium! I would not want to be super tall either. I agree, I think it would be way more of a hassle. Happy Monday! :)

  18. OMG...I would LOVE to have Tim Gunn too! Didn't you just love his shadow dancing with Heidi? LOL

  19. ROFL you become jealous. you crack me up!

    Your dinner sounds fabulous.

  20. oooohhhh!!! Jamie and Adam WOULD be an absolute blast to have at dinner. However, I'd be scared of what they might make if they get bored. Like Jamie could turn his shooting soda machine into like a pie shooting machine or something.. I think Tory would be cool too!

    Pink to Index People of the World UNITE!!

    And I have to agree with Michelle, watching luggage would be a bit of a boring job.. But hey! It would be a job!

    Love ya sista! Catch ya next week ;)
