
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Monday Miiiingle!

It's back!  And so am I!  I really love vlogging and I was just thinking that I should start doing stuff like that again, so I was super excited when I saw Speedy post that MM would be live tomorrow.  Ya'll should go check it out over at Eighty MPH Mom.  And with that, here's my triumphant return to vlogging.  I like to talk so I ramble a lot...sorry in advance.  Password for the video is: misadventure


Monday Mingle! 4.8.13 from Lauren on Vimeo.


  1. Gah I typed a nice comment and it disappeared. It's so good to see your face again - I have missed you!

    I also get too many things going at many projects I want to do!

    Welcome back!

  2. Hi there! Shannon from The Mommy-Files! Would love to watch the video, but it says it's private? :( Hope to see you on the next Monday Mingle - Happy Wednesday!

  3. Oh my gosh - totally see it now - duh Shannon - lol

  4. Long time no seeeeeeeeeeee!! I've missed your face.

    ADD - Ha!

    I forget my totes too. And we seriously have a ridiculous amount of those canvas bags. Grocery hugging can be detrimental...

    Is it bad I have no idea who that person is? Eep. Time to google...

    Hope to see ya next week, too!!
