I feel like I've forgotten how to blog. Seriously. I used to be so good at updating on a regular basis and now I pretty much suck....sorry about that. It just seems like I haven't really done anything exciting or noteworthy lately that's worth posting about. That's what happens when you're broke though, can't go anywhere.
I actually think I might start having things to post about again because.....
...are you ready?....
I finally GOT A JOB!
This is a big stinkin' deal, I've been unemployed for about 3 and a half months now, and I am down to my last penny. But I've made it. I don't know how, but I've made it. And I'm SO excited. Not gonna lie, when the gal called and offered me the job I almost cried I was so happy. I get to start in a couple weeks on the 8th.
Today's lesson: Persistance and faith both have HUGE payoffs. And they kind of go together, you need one to help the other along.
Sorry for such a quick, lame update. More to come in the pretty immediate future!
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