
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monday Mingle!

Hello hello!  I remembered (very late) that it's Monday Mingle time!  So I'm going to go ahead and jump in for this week.  :)  I got a new headset with a mic, which I think helps with sound, but unfortunately made my vid and audio sync up kinda weird.  So you'll hear me before you'll see my lips move.  :/  Oh well.  Password is: misadventure.  Enjoy and laugh at my silly syncing audio!  :D

Untitled from Lauren on Vimeo.


  1. cheeseballs...YUM. Us too.
    And YAY you are back! Welcome!
    Really? no pigs in a blanket at other times?
    ohh...wear a helmet on black
    Be careful.
    Hope you survive...
    i work in healthcare so I'm pretty safe...

  2. *cling* Hellloooo Flo! Oh how I've missed your face.
    In theory LOL
    People are crazy on Black Friday. I stay home.

    Boo, your video stopped for me at 2:42. I hope you have a good week!

  3. LOL! I work on Black Friday too, but I work from home (retail). So I'm just on the phones with the crazy people! But I have worked retail for 10 years and omg, it's terrible on Black Friday! (Not as bad as I'm making it sound, though. I make everything overly dramatic! LOL)

    I participated in Monday Mingle too if you wanna come over and visit. :)

    Mommy Miscellaneous' Monday Mingle

  4. Yikes. I am truly scared for you. We have no Black Friday here and it is just a big old two month lead up to holidays in which you couold theoretically shop forever. I am somewhat intrigues by the craziness there.

  5. We make pigs in the blanket often here with the kiddos.. however once a year makes it even more special when the time come around.

    I honestly do not understand the rudeness of some people on Black Friday.
