
Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday Mingle!

Hello hello!  It's that time again!  This week for Monday Mingle I submitted questions, woot woot!  To join in the fun, pop on over and say hi to Jen @ EightyMPHmom!  Password for the vid is: misadventure.  Have a great week ya'll!  (PS - My still frame on the vid makes me look like I'm doing some bizarre kissy-face, lol)


  1. Oh my word.. Just thinking of the foot in the paint makes me laugh. That would have been hilarious to see.

  2. What a gorgeous view from your porch.

  3. I loved Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day too!!!

    i forgot about that one!

    i LOVE your view!!!

    And YES, i am late, sorry, at least i came..busy busy week.

    R U mingling this week too?
    Hope you are!
    Thanks for mingling.
