
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monday Mingle!

It is time once again for Monday Mingle with Jen @ EightyMPHmom! Whoop whoop! This is also the most super-fast mingle I've done yet...under 5 minutes! Guess I didn't have much to say this week, lol. Also, word of the day was apparently "amazing" because I said it like 17 times...whoops! I'll have to study up on my thesaurus for next time. ;) Anywho, password is: misadventure. Enjoy!

Monday Mingle April 19, 2010 from Lauren on Vimeo.


  1. DUDE!! I can totally see the weightloss HAWTY!! I love the opening fave.

    Yes my list too is long..I cannot pick one. Ah yes the land of the roots. Chattanooga! WOO HOO Yes aquariums totally rock and yes...I wanted to be Darryl Hannah from Mermaid. Okay woman...i LURVE you! Have a bestest week!!

  2. I love Ireland too! Also never been. Isn't that funny to be so sure to love a place that we've never been but I share your conviction that Dublin would be "Amazing"! ;)

    A Lot of Loves

  3. Mmmmmm Ireland ... good pick! Or maybe I should say "amazing" choice! :)

  4. FLO! I do believe that was a record for you - under 5 minutes? OMG!

    Ireland would be neat (amazing). My hubby's side of the family is Irish (hence my last name), and they do look like party animals - WOOT!

    I cannot remember the names of all the museums I've been to either - especially in Europe - there were SO many!

    I can't wait to see what you do with your blog - so far I'm loving it!

  5. I want to go to Ireland too. I really need to broaden my horizons and learn to leave the U.K. when I go over there.

    Natural Science Museums for the win! I love them and can't get enough of them.

    So great to see you again girly! Did you lose weight??? You look great!
