
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why My Life Rocks Right Now

Alright.  So as I'm sure you all realize by now from reading my incessant whining less upbeat posts, I've had a few rough patches over the last year.  Well not right now my friends.

Reason #1
I'm an avid fan of Project Runway.  LOVE me some PR.  Last week they had the Campbell Soup aDress Your Heart challenge (and yes, the "a" is little...I'm not just dumb) and had some really cute dresses.  Well, I went to go see how much they were selling the limited run of the winning dress for, and saw they were auctioning off the rest as well.  ...  I totally WON ONE!  The one I really liked too, AND a total bonus, it'll probably fit me just fine.  Maybe a little alteration needed, but it's not a size 4, and neither am I.  :)  So in 4 to 6 weeks this is going to arrive at my door:

*shoes and attitude not included*

I just loved it.  I think it's so retro and cute.  :)  Can't wait to see it in person!  And for the record, this woman totally rocked the dress, and part of me is sad that the participants didn't get to keep the dresses made for them.  But I'll wear it proudly!

Reason #2
So I've always wanted to participate in one of those murder mystery parties.  I think it would be so much fun.  My inner Harriet the Spy really wants the chance to solve a mystery.  Well.  Come to find out my town does a city-wide murder mystery every year, and the local businesses who want to participate get to have one employee represent them as a suspect.  Guess who got to represent this year?  Yup, I did!  AND, guess who was the killer?  Yup, ME!  Me and my "half-sister" in the game.  We were the Gruesome Twosome.  :)  And this year the game was set in 1944, so to look the part (and have an opportunity to shamelessly post pictures of myself) I had this lovely getup:

I got everything but the hat for $22 at the thrift store.  And also, I think pin curls are my new best friend. :)  There is going to be a picture in the local paper of me and my "sister" handcuffed by the sheriff, lol.  My mother is so proud.  ;)

Reason #3
I'M GOING TO THE OLYMPICS!!!  For not really being much of a sports fan, I live for the Olympic games.  I was born during the summer games of '84 and I haven't missed watching any yet.  A fact I'm quite proud of.  I have always, *always* wanted to go to an Olympic games.  Really, I'd like to be an athlete (feel free to laugh at me, it's ok), but just going to be part of the experience is something I've really wanted.  Thanks to my good friend Autumn (*waves* Hi Autumn!), I get to go this year.  Am I excited?  #@$! yes I'm excited!  She wound up with an extra ticket and called to ask if I wanted go.  I was practically packed before she got the sentence out.  I was, in fact, ready a month early (story on that some other time), so I've gotten all worked up and excited twice now, lol.  You can be sure there will be TONS of pictures, and I will try to keep good notes so I can come back and tell all of you how freakin' awesome it was.  Vancouver here I come!!!  :D


  1. Hey that's really cool! Your life rocks, I tell you. I dropped in from SITS and I'm so glad I did!

  2. I agree, your life DOES rock right now! Have a blast in Vancouver, can't wait to hear about your journey there!

    I need to get my sister to read your blog, she's a Project Runway JUNKIE!! LOL!

    Have a great week!

  3. Never heard of the mystery party idea but that city-wide murder mystery party sounds like a lot of fun. Congratulations on being chosen for the fun part! Great to see such an uplifting post. You certainly are on a roll here of good times!

    Visiting from SITS.

  4. look at you sister, me-ow!

    I did a Murder Mystery New Years Eve once, it was so much fun :)

  5. That is a great outfit!! I would love to get dressed up in vintage clothes for a party.
    Great look!

    Enjoy your trip to the Olympics!

  6. OOOOOoooooh!! I'm so jealous you got that dress!!! I am such a huge fan of project runway! I don't miss a one.

  7. Your life is lookin up more than Damocles.

    Yeah. I pulled that off.

  8. I would LOVE to go to the Olympics! Stopping by from SITS to say Hi to mt SITSer!

  9. The Mystery Theatre outfit is AWESOME! Going to The Olympics is PRICELESS! Happy freaking February to you! :D

  10. Ooooh! I have a dress similar to that but no hat!


    I can't believe you won the Project Runway dress! That just blows me away! I hope you post pictures of yourself in it!!!!!!!!!

    And really, the Olympics? You are the traveling fool! I'm betting on some great post material from your journey!

  11. How exciting. Hey, when you are in Vancouver, check out entertainment of the Black Grace Dance Co. This is the group I'm touring with for a short month. Our last stop is in Boston. They go to Olympics and I go home. Anyway, fabulous group. check it out. That is is you have enough time after goggling over all the cute young lads in the Olympics. Have fun kiddo.
    Mama T

  12. Just found your blog (great title!), great news about the dress :) I love murder mysteries. And love the olympics, too.

  13. Coming at ya from SITS...

    Okay- gotta give some totally awesome first hand account of the Olympics! And pics and everything!
    Oh and the dress from PR is adorable... and the 1940's look really is good on you!
