
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Monday Mingle!

Oh man you mingle this week is a little delirious lol.  Sorry about that.  But as always Monday Mingle is hosted by the wonderful Jen @ EightyMPHmom.  Go visit and have a look-see at all the awesome vlogs!
Password as always, is: misadventure.  :)

Monday Mingle Nov. 30th from Lauren on Vimeo.


  1. oh fun!
    nice mingle. How long ago did you put your questions" Just wondering.

    LOL @ the boy who can finally tie his shoes...Funny.

    red koolaid is good.
    Jello? cherry jello. Almost alike.
    I can see why ppl say U look like Kate Winslet. I can see it in the face...

  2. Kate Winslet is awesome! Cool questions you came up with...get some rest =)

  3. Kate Winslet is awesome! I am not going to get the kool aid guy breaking through the wall commercial out of my head. They just don't make commercials like they used to! Happy Monday Mingle!

  4. Hi Lauren,
    I enjoy your Mingles and your sense of humor. My name is Steve and I can tie my own shoes. My friends call me wheels. By the way you look fine in your video and not like you have been pulled around by your hair.
    Take care,

  5. haha I love your answers! Lauren, you are just too funny.

    I'm going to have to tell that to my little girls. They're both insistent that they both marry the little boy across the street. I should tell them that they can't marry him if he can't tie his own shoes!

  6. Hope you're all recovered from driving.
    Have a great week!

  7. I love your background - hooray for winter!
    I loved these questions BTW, they were so fun!
    OMG I love Kate Winslet! She would do an amazing job portraying you :)

    I agree that the iPhone has some really useless apps LOL I don't have an iPhone...I still have a razor. I am so not techy.
    I loved your Mr. Kool Aid impression! That was so fun :)

    Great mingle! Have a good tuesday

  8. How are you late on your Monday Mingle when you post on Sunday night? Does that mean I lost a point for putting mine up on Monday?

    Can I get that point back by knowing that WYSIWYG means "What You See Is What You Get?"

    Great questions this week - so glad you thought of them!

    LOVED your Mingle!

  9. I can totally see Kate have a lot of the same features woman and yes...the internet...the BANE of our existence if we do and do not have it! HA HA on the poken...I agree...its like Hey...I have a power cord in Europe...totally useless unless you have the attachment thingy.

    OH NO...shoe tying....that's seriously big bidness!

    Dude you crack me up as usual I stinking love ya!

  10. Yay! For your questions :D

    You had a long drive ... poor thing.

    Old Navy rocks my socks. Love ON!

    Kate Winslet :) That would be a great pick for your Lifetime movie.

    I love the interweb. I think that was just assumed when I said the computer. Heh. ;)

    I agree with the apps LOL . Pokens are useful if everyone has one, correct. And I do not, nor will I ... so not so much. LMAO

    OH you're cracking both me and Mat up tonight ... "Oh, i just had it.." -- LOL Poor Steven. I bet he was heartbroken.

  11. First of all - I love your background!!

    Poor Steven...but I don't blame you - I wouldn't tie my hubbys shoes either. Maybe every now and then but not every time!

    Red Jello and Kool Aid rocks!

    Thanks for mingling again!

  12. Great mingle! Nice to finally meet you :)
