
Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm a Big, Fat, Slacker (aka My Sleep Pattern is FUBAR)

Sorry I haven't been around the interwebs as much as I usually am the last couple days.  You may (or may not) have noticed that I haven't posted in the past couple days as well.  That would be the slacker part.  I realize that for NaBloPoMo that made me three posts behind, so tada! you get three in one day.  Or night.  Or very early morning.  That would be the FUBAR sleep pattern part.  For anyone who doesn't know what that means, I will send you here to the Wiki page.
I've been struggling with my sleeping for a while now, and part of it isn't having a set routine.  Mind you, I *could* have a set routine, that is also part of the slacker bit.  It would help immensely if I had a regular job.  I am much more likely to keep a schedule when I'm being held accountable for something.  When it's just me I'm going, "Well SURE I could get up at 8...but why?  I can do what I need to do later...zzzzzz *drool*..."  Which leads me to being here, now, at 2:35 in the morning WIDE AWAKE.  Usually I would have been up all day (well, since say 10:30...I KNOW...I'm lazy.  Whatever.  :p ) and would just be heading to bed around now, or maybe even an hour from now.  But no.  Today my friends, I have officially reached FUBAR.  I worked on Tuesday.  Which is totally awesome and I'm really glad I had the opportunity.  For that job though, I have to get up at about 5 a.m. which means I should go to bed much earlier.  So I went to bed at 11, finally fell asleep around midnight, and woke up at 2:30.  I could not get back to sleep.  At all.  So I was just up for the day at 2:30 in the morning and wound up passing out at 10:30 p.m. last night.  Great right?  Finally!  A normal time to go to bed.  This will fix all my problems.  Wrong.  I slept until 11 this morning (!!!) and it was a physical battle to get myself out of bed.  I was more tired today that I have been in a really, really long time.  I mean, I'm not talking kinda tired, I'm talking someone gave me an elephant tranquilizer tired.  So I drug myself around today, cleaned a bunch of my crap out of the spare room, and.... fell asleep at 5.  5!?!?  UGH.  And woke up at 11 p.m., which if you do the math is 6 hours.  JEEZ.  That's a full night's sleep for me.  So now, here I am 2:45, having been up since 11 and with no sign of sleep in sight for a good long time.  *sigh*  Well, I think I'm just gonna take one for the team (i.e. my sanity) and stay up all day again and try to straighten this mess out.  Crap.  Well, I might as well go make some coffee...


  1. Good luck getting some more sleep! I have to be up at 5 every morning. And because I'm a night owl, sometimes that's not such a good thing.

    SITs sent me by, and I'm glad they did!

    The Power of Pie

  2. Hmmmm...not good. You need to read my posting on sleep! You can't keep being sleep deprived because it has grave effects :o(

  3. Does not sound like fun! I hope it's much better tonight.

  4. Lauren, I'm stuck in an endless loop trying to send you an email, but my schnazzy new computer doesn't have Outlook, nor will Blogger's email popup give me an option to use Hotmail. Just Yahoo and Gmail. Could you please send me an email at katefruit AT hotmail? I'd really like to grow my bloggy presence and have watched you do a great job at it this past year.

  5. that is soo bad ... yes you need to sort out as it can have ill effects on your health :(

    passed by from SITS and hope you have a good day!

  6. Yup I'm living off coffee also! 6 hours usually and I'm happy that I got that and a pot of coffee to keep me going threw the day!
