
Monday, October 26, 2009

The Cusp

I think I'm approaching it.  The cusp.  The edge.  The point of no return.

What I am talking about is that point in which it takes a better part of my day/afternoon/night to catch up, read, and comment on all the blogs I follow.  And then go to write a post of my own.  I think I'm getting near Critical Mass of followed blogs, so that if I find many more I will just be continually behind in reading.  STOP BEING SO AMUSING PEOPLE!  STOP IT!  Well, don't stop it.  I truly enjoy reading all the blogs I follow, I mean, why would I follow if I didn't, right?  I just find more and more and's like a never-ending sea of amazingness out there in blogland and although I am trying my best to swim, I think I might be drowning, lol.  Clearly, it is time to build a raft.

(I just want you all to know I blame Jennepper @ Maybe If You Just Relax for my addiction.  She was my gateway blog.  Curses Jen!  Curses for making me belly laugh every time I read a post!)


  1. stoppin by from SITS! great post! you are funny! Stop by anytime!

  2. Im so glad you told me about jennepper. I went on by her blog and just about died laughing... well I woke up my husband. Dont worry he's back to sleep now... not like you were worried... but just incase you were feeling a bit bad... beacuse it is your fault you know.:)Its late. I shoulg probably join my husband in dream land. :)

    visiting from sits

  3. I know what you mean. There are just so many wonderful blogs out there. Saw your comment just above me on the 1st roll caller at SITS today and came over to say hi. "Hi!" There I said it now have a great day! LOL!

  4. I have found myself posting less and less and reading more and more. This is fun but puts me way behind schedule. Stopping in from SITS

  5. I KNOW! Crazy isn't it? Blogland is so much fun and full of so much sunshine and giggles that I just wanna quit my day job, stop eating, showering....okay well...maybe not showering... but you get the idea. Just not enough hours in the day...not enough hours

  6. Yeah, I can feel your pain. :o)

    Organization is the key to visiting everyone.

    Have a great day ♥

  7. The list of blogs you follow is HUGE - you've sure found some good ones!
    And how lovely that you can find time to visit my little spot of crazy!

  8. I agree! There are too many good reads out there. It's no wonder I am always up until the wee hours! Love the Halloween theme!

  9. You're making me belly laugh! Love ya girlie! Crap I can barely keep up with my own and everyone elses ... LOL ahhh running away!
