
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Awards? I haz dem. :)

So, as I mentioned in my previous post, Alexis being the dear that she is, nominated me (and a ton of other really awesome bloggers) for several awards! This made me probably more excited than it should have, lol. I mean, it's just a blog, right? ...right?... Ah, who am I kidding. I adore my blog because it does keep me sane, and I've met (read: stumbled upon) so many amazing bloggers since I really got going that it boggles my mind. You guys are awesome. So, without further ado, let me begin with the showing off and handing out of the shinyness...

First off we have
My Comments Rock Award - Pass along to your awesome commenters!

This award goes to:
A Blonde Duck @ A Duck in Her Pond
Cybeel @ Scarlett's Walk
Teresa @ Too Many Heartbeats
Jess @ This Theatre Life...
Sarah @ Paper Tree
The Redheaded Riter
and all of the lovely ladies from SITS who always stop by to say hello!
(Alexis you know if you hadn't given it to me I'd give it to you too!)


1. Put the logo on your blog/post.
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs which make you feel comfy or warm inside.
3. Be sure to link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have been nominated by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.

Alright! Warm and cozy? These gals got it. :)

Melissa @ OperationNICE
Secret Agent L
Sarah @ Paper Tree
April @ April Showers
Mrs. Fish @ One Fish, Two Fish...
Clueless Mama @ Guessing All the Way

JennyMac made it so she can create the rules ... LOL Here it goes: I give good blog award: No one really likes rules, do they? I shall make mine simple. Make a cocktail, pick out some of your favorite bloggers. Send this award to 4 of them. Tell them why you think they give good blog. There are SO many fascinating, witty, and fantastic bloggers; let's invite them all to the party.

The Fab Four I picked for this award are:
Sassy Girl @ Hot Piece of Sass
Hillbilly Duhn
Jennepper @ Maybe if You Just Relax

Dragon Loyalty Award - Pass this award on to those dedicated followers

This goes to all 18 of my lovely followers! Thanks for sticking with me. You. Are. Awesome. So all of you please grab this award next time you swing by. :D

and finally
This award was given to me by both Alexis @ Running Away? I'll Help You Pack, and Daffy @ BATCRAP CRAZY. Thank you ladies! I feel so honored. :) If you guys weren't the ones to give it to me, I'd have you on the list too. You guys rock!

The Best Blog Award rules are:
1) To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I would like to pass this award along to these lovey ladies whose blogs I enjoy:

Melissa @ OperationNICE

Secret Agent L
April @ April Showers
Crazy Sister @ Graze if You Want to
Killing a Fly with a Ukulele
Clueless Mama @ Guessing All the Way
Sassy Girl @ Hot Piece of Sass
Mrs. Fish @ One Fish, Two Fish...
Sarah @ Paper Tree
The Redheaded Riter
Jess @ This Theatre Life...
Jennepper @ Maybe if You Just Relax
Hillbilly Duhn
The Blonde Duck @ A Duck in Her Pond

Wow. After all that I'm pooped! LOL. I always feel like I've left someone out, not intentionally of course. Everyone who stops by, reads, or comments on my blog I appreciate very much. Thank you guys!

Until next time! :)


  1. I feel so SPECIAL!! Thank you so much. The little mouse is so precious. I love him. I can't wait to put him on my blog. You are awesome.:)

  2. First of all congrats Lauren!Hope many awars on the way for you!! Then everyone who won...

    And a big THANK YOU.
    This really made my day -on this cold gray Monday :o
    PS- I LOVE the "blah blah" pic!

  3. Hi Lauren, thankyou so much for this award! I am honoured! ...and also a little amazed that anything I say is actually interesting. Thanks for reading and enjoying the stuff I put out there.

  4. Thanks!! I love awards!! And wowser, look at all the fab ones you've gotten lately. You deserve every one of them!


  5. Holy Crap, that was a lot of awards! Thank you so much for sending some my way. Giving good blog, makes me giggle.

  6. Congrats on your awards how rockin! Now I have to check out some of those award winning bloggers you picked. Thanks so much! Good luck with the Harry contest too.


  7. Thank you so much! You say the nicest things! This is very fun!!!!

  8. Okay since I am all about the mom it forward come back and get you some!
