
Sunday, September 13, 2009

An ADD post

So this evening I've been reading my newest Glamour, watching Food Network, and puttering around online (Facebook mostly...sigh). In my endeavors I've learned some interesting things. I thought I'd share them with you.

The first bit I'm sure you'll hear about soon, if you haven't already. Kayne completely stole Taylor Swift's moment during the VMA's (Video Music Awards by MTV, for those that don't know). She had gone up to accept her award for Best Female Video (which is Kind of a Big Deal because she's a country star and MTV doesn't usually award for that, so YAY for her) and literally moments after she started to talk, Kayne goes up on stage, takes her mic away, and starts talking about how Beyonce should have won. *double take* WHAT. By the time he was done, the time was up. Well, Kayne got kicked out of the VMA's, and when Beyonce went up to accept her award for Video of the Year, she let Taylor have her speech time instead, which got a standing ovation. I have two very opposite and intense reactions about this. The first is disgust for the largely inappropriate display of disrespect, and the second is reassurance and faith at the gesture of kindness and audience reaction that the event caused. Ugh. I could go on, but I have other more upbeat things I'd rather discuss. If you'd like the news story, you can go here to read it on Rolling Stone's website.

Now, I was reading my Glamour and I was puttering around on the website as well, and I found a great article. It's called "Get to Know the Woman on p.194." And, without a second thought, I knew exactly who they meant. In the September issue, there was an article about confidence and being comfortable with who you are. In this article was a picture of a model who was sitting in her underwear, smiling, happy....and with a little tummy pooch. She is by NO stretch of the imagination "fat." She's an average sized girl who is happy in her skin. I even thought to myself, "Wow, that's awesome. Go Glamour for usuing real sized models!" when I was going through the magazine. As it turns out, she caused a HUGE reaction from readers thanking her and Glamour for showing an average sized girl. So huge in fact, that they were on The Today Show! You can see the interview here. Really. Go watch it. It's awesome. I've struggled with my weight since I was little, so body issue topics always really hit home for me. It's things like this that are refreshing and give me hope for the industry.

Alrighty, my last little nugget is not any sort of Big Important Issue, just a fun fact. Apparently Friendship Bracelets are back in style. LOL. Like back in style being worn on the runway, which I think is kinda cool. It's just one of those little things that makes me happy. There was an article about this too, how it's very "chic" to collect bracelets from your travels as little reminders of adventures you had and friends you made. Even how one fashion show made the attendees wear the friendship bracelets they sent out in the invites to get in to the show. Lord knows I've made a number of these bracelets in my day. I mean, what pre-teen in my generation didn't? Maybe I'll have to start making some again and send them out to my friends. It could be a nice little gift, and hey, then we can be "chic" too. ;)

Got thoughts on any of these things? Please share! I'd love to hear what you have to say. :)


  1. hi there! stopping by from Sits.What a fun blog! Okay I think Kanye West is a total dirtbag for doing what he did and I think its great that Beyonce gave up her time for Taylor, but its really hard to jump back after something like that ya know? I'm sure she was sad about missing her actual time but hopefully she got to say a little something (I didn't actually get to see it this past weekend eh!) love the idea of a girl in glamour showing her actual self instead of an airbrushed photoshopped version, very cool. thats funny friendship bracelets are back in style! me and my hubby actually got a couple from mexico when we went and we've vowed never to take them off, until they fall off! its nice to know that i'm wearing them when they're in style! lol:)

  2. I was watching that and literally screamed at the television. I scared Ben!

    I've hated Kayne since college. He's so rude and arrogant and just tacky--and people reward him from it! I could rant about this for hours, but I'm so glad people are holding him responsible!

  3. Friendship bracelets are back?? OMG!!! *pulls out old box full of embroidery thread and gets to work*

  4. You know it's funny that you should mention the model with the tummy, cause I saw that too. I mean i literally did a double take and flipped the page back to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

    That ad just made me smile, I love that fact that a fashion mag chose to run it. I happen to think that a little tummy is a little sexy. And maybe other women out there will stop obessing over the un natural weights of most models.

  5. I saw the today show interview, excellent stuff. Do you think tummy inplants will be the next hollywood craze. Jennifer aniston with a pot? Now there's a thought...
    Over from SITS x

  6. I heard about the VMA thing...what a jackarse Kanye West continues to be. Remember his antics from years ago? When he threw a tantrum he didnt win?

  7. Yes, I think we all agree that Kanye West is an idiot. I certinaly hope that his career is affected by his idiotsy.
