
Friday, March 27, 2009

Who made this floorplan?

Hi everyone! I kind of disappeared for a while. I'm happy to say that I'm feeling much better now. I've been up and about for the last week, although my lung capacity and strength still aren't back to full. That'll come in the next couple weeks, so I just have to take it easy.

I did go to Missoula Wednesday and Thursday to go look at the apartment that I thought I wanted. I say thought I wanted because I don't think I want it anymore. :( It's set up a little weird. Or maybe it's just me that thinks it's weird. You can look at the pictures and decide if I'm crazy or not.

This is the bedroom. I'm standing in a fairly large walk-in closet to take the photo. Those closet doors you see hide washer/dryer hookups.

Pretty standard bathroom. It's a decent size.

Smallish kitchen, but has a ton of storage space, which I appreciate. This, by the way, is what is straight in front of you when you walk in the door to the house.

This is standing at the far corner of the apartment. That open door is to the bedroom, and the glow of light is the kitchen.

This is from the open bedroom door on the other end of the apartment. I was standing by those closet doors for the last pic. Also, the bathroom is over in that corner, along the same wall as the kitchen and bedroom.

So tell me interwebs, am I being weird or is the place set up a little funny? I mean it's a nice place, clean, good neighborhood, all that. I'm just....picky. And also have a lot of stuff.


  1. First, welcome back! Second, I don't know how I would feel about the washer and dryer being in the bedroom, but that's just me. Finally, the mini-vacay was good...I did a short recap in the post prior to the most recent, but really it was just a good relaxing couple of days! Thanks for asking!

    Good luck with the apartment!

  2. Glad you're feeling better. I wouldn't like the w/d right there...I tend to start a load of laundry at night before bed.

  3. Those heaters are the devil. You can't put furniture in front of them, so there you are.. with half your wall space useless.
