
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cocoa in the Prewash

I love this entry's title. When the words came out of my mouth, I said, "Oh, I have to write that down, that's a good one." It sounds like it should be a song or something, lol. I just happened to be loading dishes into my dishwasher (got the urge to actually DO something with myself today), and some cocoa powder remnants drifted off one of my dishes into the prewash compartment on the washer door. Hence. I just know that there's some life analogy there - like we could all use a little sweetness in the not fun parts of life (cause let's face it, dishes aren't really high on most people's list of fun things). However, I'm not really eloquent enough to properly put it into words lol. If you think of a better one, leave it in the comments! I'd love to hear what you think. :)

Admittedly, I was going to clean all day today, but didn't really get around to doing anything until 2pm because I slept so long. I woke up this morning feeling...heavy. Not heavy like fat, but you know when you sleep really deeply and you wake up feeling almost more exhausted than when you went to bed? That kind of heavy. Ironically enough, I weighed myself today and I've lost another 5 pounds. That makes 25 pounds in about 4 months. The weird part? I've done NOTHING! Nothing. Not a thing. I've basically stressed it all off. Not really the diet I would recommend, but I won't complain about the weight loss. Anyway, so I was slow as molasses this "morning" (it was more like noon when I finally drug out of bed) and when I did get around to doing things, I went first to Target to get TP and paper towels...because I was out of both and the situation was pretty dire. I've been avoiding it as long as I can, seeing as every time I go to Target I find 4,508 things that I just *can't* live without. I was really forced into it this time though, seeing as I was out AND I have a friend coming to stay with me, and it's sort of rude to request that your guests bring their own roll of toilet paper in their carry-on.

I really haven't done much of anything in eons, and I think that's when it all started to go downhill. I do tend to have a bit of winter depression, which I thought wouldn't really bother me this year, being in a place that's so warm most all the time. However I think it's the sunlight that I need, and thanks to daylight savings and our Earth's rotational wanderings, there's really nowhere I can go fix that. It's ok though. Do any of you have this problem? What do you do to keep from getting the Winter Doldrums?


  1. I hate sleeping forever and then waking up and STILL feeling tired!! Isn't that the weirdest thing?

    Happy Monday!

  2. I get the winter blahs too! Unfortunatly, I have no advice for fixing them :)

    Congrats on the weightloss - that's great! When I was in college I would lose "stress pounds" at the begining of every semester.

    Oh, and don't worry - when I go to Target I have to repeat to myself, "I don't need that, I don't need that, I don't need that" - it just doesn't always work :)

    Have a great day!

  3. You sound so like me! It's so hard for me to get around to doing things some mornings!! And I LOVE to sleep in!

    Thanks for visiting - go boy bands!!

  4. Luckily, we don't have much of a winter. Maybe you could try dancing?

  5. I have a case of these myself.

  6. I take a toddler into Target with me, then when she throws a tantrum, I have to haul her out and leave the basket of stuff I don't need behind. Clever strategy.

    Thanks for stopping by Graze!

  7. Stopping by from SITS...wanted to say hi!

  8. I am in the middle of the winter blahs.

  9. Stopping by to welcome you to SITS. I always got the winter blahs to the extreme when we lived in our first house in the city. I was amazed when we moved to the country, and this house has much bigger windows and I can look out over our ten acres. I still get a little down if the sun doesn't come through for days, but it helped a lot!

  10. Not so much the winter blahs, but the worst thing about winter is driving home in the dark. Here in Washington, in the depth of winter, it got dark as early as 4 pm and it was so discouraging.

    Right now, though, I'm having a serious itch to get into my yard and work in the dirt and prune the trees because it's the perfect time of year and we've finally had some sun. But I've been at work. Today, I couldn't take it any longer and I repotted the plants at work into bigger pots or set up better drainage and planted some starts that have been soaking in water. Gotta say, it really helped me feel like spring's just that much closer.

  11. I literally have to drag myself out of bed, bleary eyed and all. I usually fill my cart at Target and right before I check out just put a whole load of stuff back, ha. Came over to say thanks for visiting my "saucy" blog this week!

  12. I drink lots of coffee and read funny books. I also like to paint my toenails bright pink so they look like they're ready for summer, even if it's cold :) Welcome to SITS!
