
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I took pics, I promise.

Alrighty. Crap day number two! I can't post photos today because apparently one of the 18 virus in my computer right now (not even kidding, wish I was) is preventing me from using the pop-ups, which is ironic since I was battling nothing BUT pop-ups yesterday. My pc is acting better today, for no real apparent reason, I am happy but still need to find something to clean the system so I won't continue to have this problem.

My major issue is, of course, money. There is never enough. And it seems the more I work the less I have, since I seemed to have quite a bit when I was being a bum (thank you line of credit!) and now that I work almost every day I can't even pay the bills. Logically, it makes my brain hurt. There are a few options I have, none of which really jump out at me as being stellar.

Option 1:
The most obvious, ask for more hours, work as much as I can and try to tough it out. So far, this hasn't really done me any good.

Option 2:
Get a second job. Also seems obvious. However, considering how long and how hard I worked to get the job I have, a second one doesn't look likely, though I am going to start looking around again. And just so ya'll don't think I'm slacking on the theatre front, I've been checking back with the MGM folks and website about once a month. Nothing.

Option 3:
Go back to school. This has potential, except for the fact I need money to go and I don't really want to deal with school anymore. Plus I don't even know what I want to do. Part of me wants to enroll in the 2-year animation program at the Art Institute (what I was planning to do in Seattle), and part of me wants to try culinary school. Shock, I know. But the last part of me just wants to avoid school and all that drama all together. Plus, I'd still need a job because you know, just because you go to school doesn't mean the bills pay themselves.

Option 4:
Move back to Montana. There are a couple places in Montana I could go, and I could get a transfer to a different Michael's, which although not ideal would at least make certain I had a job to go to, something I severely neglected to make sure of when I made the move here. Although it would be nice to be back in Montana, I really just don't want to move again. And I really like it here. Preferably, I'd like to make it here. For cost and for my sanity. Oh yeah, and my pride.

Option 5:
Find a theatre job somewhere else that would pay me well enough to make the move worthwhile. This seems a logical option, but I don't know how behind it I am. Besides having to move somewhere where I (probably) wouldn't know anyone at all, or be in a place I didn't want to be, I honestly can't tell you that I'm really sure I want to deal with theatre right now. It's an awesome feeling to have second thoughts about your degree, let me tell you. I just don't know anymore, and I think unless the conditions are really awesome, I'd rather just stay away from it right now. Yes I'm being picky, but I'm more focused on trying to maintain my money and my sanity than trying to stay in a field I'm not even sure I want to deal with anymore.

I think that's about all I've thought of right now, excepting of course starting my own business, which if I could do would be the most preferable option of them all, but seeing as that's more of a pipedream than a reality at the moment, I thought I should probably try to find something that could at least sustain me for the time being. I am also now accepting any and all applications for your standard miracle. You know, just in case.

Again, sorry about the lack of photography today, I'll guess you'll just have to trust me that I did indeed take some, and I'll work on getting my pc up and running proper as soon as I can so I can keep posting them.

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